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  • Legislation

    Category 4 knives - possession is allowed, carrying in public is not.
    Knives in this category may be owned or traded. However, these knives may not be carried or publicly available. This means that they must be properly packaged…

  • Swiss Officer's Dagger  M43
    Swiss Officer's Dagger M43

    The M43 dagger was introduced by decision of the Federal Council of November 4, 1943.
    It was only given on the occasion of a promotion from officers and s/offs of the Swiss army and could not be purchased commercially.
    The wrist…

    € 350,00
  • Chilean Carabineros Yatagan 1908
    Chilean Carabineros Yatagan 1908

    Sidearm made from the French M1874 Gras sword bayonet and scabbard.

    This sidearm utilizes the blade and crosspiece of the French M1874 Gras sword bayonet, mated to a cast brass hilt. The blade is shortened and the muzzle ring…

    € 225,00
  • Chinese SKS Paratrooper Bayonet
    Chinese SKS Paratrooper Bayonet

    Chinese SKS Paratrooper Cruciform Bayonet. A scarce shortened version for the short barrelled SKS Paratrooper Carbine.

    The hilt screws to the barrel lug and the bayonet folds under the barrel and is partly concealed into the…

    € 60,00
  • Danish M1962 Bayonet
    Danish M1962 Bayonet

    Bayonet-knife used as a field knife by Denmark. Although it would mount to the M1 Garand rifle, it was typically issued as a field knife, without regard to whether the soldier was armed with the M1 rifle.

    HTK is an abbreviation…

    € 125,00
  • Spanish CETME Model L Bayonet
    Spanish CETME Model L Bayonet

    Knife bayonet for use with the 5.56 mm. NATO caliber CETME Model L assault rifle, a Spanish variant of the HK33.

    The CETME Model L bayonet's blade is patterned after the U.S. M4 bayonet-knife, but is 2.25 in. (57 mm.) longer than…

    € 75,00
  • Italian M4 Bayonet
    Italian M4 Bayonet

    Italian bayonet-knife for use on the M-1 carabine.
    This example was made in 1958 at Arsenale Esercito Torino.The grip scales are the brown plastic type most common on Italian M4 bayonets. The workmanship on Italian M4 bayonets is…

    € 125,00
  • English No.4 MK II  Socket Bayonet
    English No.4 MK II Socket Bayonet

    Socket is marked P.S. (Prince - Smith ) and with a British subcontractor logo VNS (Viners Ltd, Sheffield )

    € 65,00
  • Swiss M1911 Bayonet
    Swiss M1911 Bayonet

    Swiss M1911 bayonet fot the Schmidt-Rubin rifle.
    Manufacturer: Waffen Fabrik Neuhausen.

    € 160,00
  • Canadian No4 Mk II Bayonet
    Canadian No4 Mk II Bayonet

    Canadian Lee Enfield No4 Mk2 bayonet.
    Produced from 1942 to 1944.
    Manufacturer: Crown Corporation Small Arms Ltd., Long Branch, Ontario, Canada

    Plastic Mk. III Skennerton scabbard.

    € 55,00
  • Brazilian M1908 Bayonet
    Brazilian M1908 Bayonet

    Brazilian M1908 "Mauser" bayonet.
    Manufacturer: Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie Solingen.
    The scabbard is of Brazilian-made by: FI "Fabrica de Itajuba"

    € 150,00
  • British Siebe Gorman Dagger
    British Siebe Gorman Dagger

    English scuba divers knife.
    Very rare chrome dagger.Manufacturer: Siebe Gorman.

    € 750,00
  • German KCB-77 M1 Combat Knife
  • French Bayonet Fireplace Shovel.
    French Bayonet Fireplace Shovel.


    € 155,00
  • Swedish M-1896  Bayonet
    Swedish M-1896 Bayonet

    The first 280.000 bayonets were made by Eskilstuna Jernmanufactur AB between 1899 to 1912.
    In 1912 the tools were sold to Carl Gustaf Stad And and they took over the production from 1913.

    € 110,00
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