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  • Swiss Bayonet Model 1957
    Swiss Bayonet Model 1957

    Knife bayonet for use on the renowned 7.5 mm. Sturmgewehr 57 (Assault Rifle 57) made by the firm Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft(S.I.G.). It was designated Bajonett Mod. 1957.

    € 75,00
  • Fake Swedish M1896 Bajonet
    Fake Swedish M1896 Bajonet

    Even the common Swedish bayonet M1896 is faked.
    These could be bought on eBay in the 90's

    The reproduction is quite well manufactured, most markings and details are there. But if you have ever held a real M1896 bayonet, the…

    € 75,00
  • Belgian M65 FAL Bayonet
    Belgian M65 FAL Bayonet

    FN-FAL Type C Bayonet Made by Casting

    The scabbard body is plastic, with an integral web belt hanger.

    € 135,00
  • German Bayonet Troddel
    German Bayonet Troddel
    € 45,00
  • Swiss Bayonet Model 1957
    Swiss Bayonet Model 1957

    Conversion kit from dagger to bayonet.

    € 18,50
  • Italian M1 Bayonet.
    Italian M1 Bayonet.

    Knife bayonet for use on the caliber .30 U.S. M1 Garand rifle.
    This bayonet is an Italian-made model of the US M1 bayonet.The scabbard is of Italian manufacture, patterned on the U.S. M7 scabbard. The scabbard has a web belt…

    € 160,00
  • British Army Machete With Scabbard
    British Army Machete With Scabbard

    English machete with scabbard

    During World War II, British and Commonweatlh soldiers were often equipped with a machete for use in the field. The machete is maker marked by the company J.J.B and is dated 1943.

    The scabbard is…

    € 185,00
  • German HSK-70 Dagger
    German HSK-70 Dagger

    German HSK 70 Fighting knife "Brotzeitsäbel" of the Bundeswehr.
    Manufacturer: HSK Hans Schulze Koblenz

    € 89,00
  • Swiss M57  Dress Dagger
    Swiss M57 Dress Dagger

    "W" above the serial number identifying the blade supplier as Wenger.

    € 85,00
  • Belgium—FN Type A Bayonet with Wood Grip Scales
  • German Pionier Fascine Knife
    German Pionier Fascine Knife

    Pioneer short sword with saw back.
    Manufacturer: "P.HORSTER SOLINGEN"
    Height: 67 cm
    No scabbard.

    € 325,00
  • French M1822 Sabre
    French M1822 Sabre

    French Sabre de Cavalerie Legere Model 1822

    It has a brass hilt with a two bar guard with correct inspection marks.
    The wood handle is leather bound with brass wire, it has a curved blade.
    Complete with steel scabbard.PRICE:…

  • Dutch Troddel
    Dutch Troddel

    Cord is in bad shape.

    € 50,00
  • German Troddel
    German Troddel

    In used condition.

    € 25,00
  • Turkish M1903 Bayonet
    Turkish M1903 Bayonet

    Turkish M1903 "Süngü" bayonet.
    During and after the First World War, especially in 1935, were stripped almost all M1903 bayonets of their hilt. This makes the copies escaped this adjustment now are relatively rare.

    € 160,00
    16 - 30 van 38 resultaten
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