Spaanse M1941 Bajonet
€ 155,00
Knife bayonet for use on the 8 mm. Mauser M1943 rifle.
Designed as a replacement for the M1907 Artillery Bolo, the Machete Bayoneta Modelo 1941, retains the M1907 Artillery Bolo's blade profile and heavy crosspiece for cutting vegetation. Short bolo knives such as this were horribly inefficient cutting implements and were universally hated by those who had to use them.
These bayonets were produced at Fábrica de armas de Toledo (Toledo Arms Factory). Grips are typically of wood.
Markings: Ricasso (Left): (crown) over "FN" over "Toledo"
Ricasso (Right): "5516" over "U"
Scabbard: "5516" over "U"